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Development of the multi-standard rapid charge point

The ongoing technical development of charging technology by EV manufacturers has taken many varied courses to date, reacting to early research and product innovations. The standardisation of charging technology and therefore equipment has not yet occurred and the development of UK and European charging standards is still in its infancy.

This project will review the introduction and operation of 74 rapid charging stations, equipped with new and innovative multi-standard rapid charging technology, combining the CHAdeMO and Combined Charging System 44 kW DC (Direct Current) protocols and 43 kW AC (Alternating Current) protocol into one easily accessible charging station.

This activity will be led by VW, with the support of other EV manufacturer partners: Nissan, BMW, Renault and DBT who will be the equipment supplier. Involvement by network operator ESB and installation partner, Zero Carbon Futures, will also take place to ensure that the design and specification of the charge point technology meets all installation requirements, planning requirements in the UK and can be operated on the UK and Ireland networks.


Eurpoean Logo

The Rapid Charge Network is supported by major industry partners, including:

  • Nissan Logo
  • BMW Logo
  • ES3 Logo
  • Renault Logo
  • Volkswagen Logo