How the RCN will grow
The Rapid Charge Network project will support the uptake of electric vehicles by developing a network of multi-standard, interoperable EV rapid charge points. Co-financed by the European Union through the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) programme, the project will have a major impact on the adoption of electric mobility. The project activity areas are detailed below.

Development of the multi-standard rapid charge point
Developing a multi-standard rapid charge point which is suitable for charging all standardised electric vehicles is a key element of the project.
This activity will see the development of new and innovative multi-standard rapid charging technology which will take into account the various requirements of the vehicle manufacturers and will develop one charge point able to rapid-charge all standardised electric vehicles in the European market.
Design of the rapid charge point station
This activity will explore the possibility of developing dedicated EV station structures.
These structures would provide overhead shelter to the EV charge points and drivers and could incorporate sustainable technologies such as solar canopies. The activity will investigate the feasibility of such structures and consider the equipment, installation and ongoing maintenance requirements.

Installation of the charge points
Up to 74 rapid charge points will be installed along the full length of the European Union’s Priority Project Road Axes 13 and 26 throughout the UK and Ireland.
This activity will cover every aspect of a successful installation from the initial site surveys right through to the operation and ongoing maintenance on-site. Each step will be documented throughout the project in order to pass on our experiences.
Network Operation
This activity will oversee the operation of the rapid charge points on existing charge point networks in the UK and Ireland.
Network operators will be invited to propose and engage with potential sites and will then be required to operate the Rapid Charge Network points on their networks. Reviewing a number of different options for charge point operation, producing usage data from the posts as well as considering the evolving needs of drivers, site owners and network operators will all be part of this activity.

The study
One of the key aims of the project is to develop a strategy for the installation and operation of rapid charge points and undertake a study on the impact that such a network will have on driver and charger behaviour.
The study will evaluate how successful the project is in achieving its outcomes and will include the development of a plan for the set-up with key learnings for the operation of a network of Rapid Charge points. Results of the study will be shared with other EU towns, cities and countries to inform their future infrastructure strategies.
Sharing the knowledge gained from this project is critical to ensure that other towns, cities and countries across the EU can benefit and learn from the experience of the project.
This workstream will promote the full project, study and strategy to a wide audience.

Project Management
Keeping the project on-track is essential to ensure that it is delivered within time and on budget.
The project management activity includes the co-ordination of all project planning and delivery activities, including managing the budget, resources, risks, schedule, procurement and governance processes, as well as reporting back to the European Commission, Consortium Partners and key stakeholders at key milestones. Zero Carbon Futures will therefore support Nissan in its project lead role.

The Rapid Charge Network is supported by major industry partners, including: