Escape the City
The Rapid
Charge Network
The Rapid Charge Network project is the development of a multi-standard, rapid charge network for electric vehicles throughout the UK and Ireland. The results and strategy of the project will be shared with other towns, cities and countries to support the growth of networks across Europe.
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74 Charge Points
A network of multi-standard charge points across the UK and Ireland.
Covering 1,100km of major spine roads.
The right connections
Linking five seaports and five airports.
Four leading manufacturers
The support of four major vehicle manufacturers.
Making the RCN happen
Project gains EU support
The project was granted 50% funding from the European Union’s Ten-T programme
Testing of multi-standard rapid charge points
The rapid charge points have been tested and approved.
Site surveys begin
Work began at the first identified locations.
First Charge point installed
The first official Rapid Charge Network point was installed.
Project officially launched in Corley
With ten charge points installed, the project officially launched.
Latest Charge point
LL18 5XE
TEN-T projects joint closing event

The Rapid Charge Network is supported by major industry partners, including: