The growing market for electric vehicles (EVs) is set to receive a boost thanks to the completion this month of four projects enabling a network of 429 multi-standard fast-charging points across 10 European countries. The initiative will help drive demand for and use of EVs, as well as facilitate longer-distance zero-emissions travel.

RCN drivers study

The Rapid Charge Network (RCN) team is carrying out a detailed study about the impact of the network, looking at driver and charging behaviour.

The growing Rapid Charge Network: our progress so far

The Rapid Charge Network (RCN) team is working with key partners to ensure the full coverage of the route. It is thanks to network operators Ecotricity in the UK and ESB in Ireland that the project has managed to engage with so many sites to date with more coming over the next few months.


Joining up Europe

The team developing the UK’s Rapid Charge Network is working with similar European funded projects to share knowledge, with the aim of linking up the whole of Europe, helping drivers to drive as far as Croatia and Denmark.

Drivers wanted for Rapid Charge Network study

As well as being the development of a new network for EV drivers, the Rapid Charge Network project is also a vital real-life study of the impact that a network of rapid charge points can have on electric vehicle drivers now and in the future.

ESB launches The Great Electric Drive

ESB recently launched The Great Electric Drive for the second year running, and invited members of the general public and business organisations to join a new team of ecar ambassadors and drive an electric car.